Mt Scopus Cambodia Team 2010

Mt Scopus Cambodia Team 2010
Community and Service - a job well done!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 5 brought to you by Chelsea & Morgan

The Cambodian Team awoke at 6:45am with a big day ahead of us all. We boarded the bus with all our gloves , hammers and hundreds of water bottles and headed to a remote village to help those in need.

Upon arrival the team got split up into 4 groups to build the houses raised by our team and organized by the Tabitha Foundation. As the sun rose and the sweat dripped, the nails just kept on coming. After hammering all the bamboo floor boards, it was now time for the challenging part - the tin walls. It was hard work and the help received by the excited families was greatly appreciated.

After we all together completed the 4 houses, we had a thank you ceremony with the grateful families. Not only did we hand over the houses, but we also handed over a blanket to each family as a housewarming gift. After seeing all the children and adults' smiles and excitement, our hearts were touched and we were reminded what we were here for. It was a truly rewarding and special experience and something that we'll never ever forget.

Following an intense conversation had by Mr Morris and the girls, Eytan, Josh F and Moshi, on the bus it was time for a much needed refreshing swim, so as a results the girls and Mr Morris all jumped into the pool with their sweaty clothes on and a fun time was had by all!

After we had cooled down we headed to Tiny Toones: an organization for street kids where they can come and learn not only languages but arts, music , computers and break dance and hip hop, where Romy, an ex-collegian of Mt. Scopus is a volunteer. All the kids were amazingly talented and we were privileged enough to be taught some moves and share some of our own dancing. Everyone enjoyed this activity greatly and also another one of Ken's delicious dinners at the hotel. It was an exhausting but unbelievable and memorable day.

Both us and the rest of the team are looking forward to the helping at the Lighthouse orphanage and Chabad House experience tomorrow.

Good night
Morgan and Chelsea

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