Mt Scopus Cambodia Team 2010

Mt Scopus Cambodia Team 2010
Community and Service - a job well done!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Siem Reap and the rural school

Today was very exciting as we had our first oppotunity for service to the people of Cambodia. After an early morning elephant ride around Angkor Wat we headed straight for the school whose name was so long that none of us could prononce it. We arrived with plenty of art suuplies, books, stationary and an abundance of enthusiasm! As soon as we turned up, the Cambodia team was out at play with some new toys for the students of the school. After some fun in the sun (hot and sweaty fun in the sweltering humidity) we headed to the classrooms to start the art activities. There were two classes, each with about 35 students and as Ashlee put it, "it was really moving to see their eagernes to make the most of the activities that we had for them - they had so little and were so excited with what we brought".
The second part of our sercive to this school included a clean up of their grounds as they are having building work done at the moment, and pumping water from their well to help tend to their garden.
It was wonderful to see the connections made between our students and the young pupils of the rural school - despite huge language barriers (they spoke little or no English and we only know two phases in Khmer), the children of both schools were all very sad to part ways at the end of our visit.
The afternoon involved some relaxation and shopping as well as a special tour through the Artisan Complex where orphans of the Khmer Rouge regime are being taught skills in Cambodian art and craft. Many of the craftsmen had overcome disabiltiy and great adversity to become contributing members of their community. Our children enjoyed the opportunity to get up close while the artists produced their wares.
We are really proud of the team and we look forward to the next stage of our program as we make our way to Phnom Penh tomorrow.


  1. Hi Adina,
    I'm trying to contact Tali at the hotel but the phone number we have is incorrect. Could someone please email me the correct number.



  2. How is the work going.
    We are learning about Public Places and patterns. What Public placs have you been to? We saw the picture of the school and the children with the funny masks.

    From Mitchell and the rest of 1 Bet at FKI.

  3. We have been to many public places. Before shabat we went to the Cenral Market which is the largetest in Phnom Penh. I will have photos for Mitchell to bring to school. We have walked along the water front and watched the local boys play night soccer there. This is a new public place as it was being built when I was in Cambodia last year. Tomorrow we will be visiting the Royal Palace and the grounds are open to the public. The streets in Cambodia are also public places and the tiles on the footpaths make very interesting patterns.
    By the time the class reads this I will be home in Melbourne - let me know what else I can tell you!

    From Adina (Mitchell's mummy)
