Mt Scopus Cambodia Team 2010

Mt Scopus Cambodia Team 2010
Community and Service - a job well done!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 5 - House Building

It is the evening after the house building and everyone has taken a moment to reflect on what we have achieved over the past 5 days in Cambodia. Please enjoy and stay tuned for the blogspot update from Morgan and Chelsea.

Steven: Learning about other people's cultures has made me learn more about my own culture.
Olly: The Killing Fields was mind blowing.
Zack: The Killing Fields reminded me of Yad Vashem but it had a different meaning to me.
Josh B: The Killing Fields was very interesting but not as upsetting as I thought it would be as I did not really feel a connection.
Ashley: There have been many funny, serious and interesting moments.
Adam: I like the squat toilets.
Dean: Today I had the best visit to a happy house ever.
Jesse: When we went to visit the school it made me appreciate what I have as they have so little.
Eytan: I really enjoyed the house building - it was spectacular
Jake: I found the Killing Fields to be a real eye-opener to the sufferings of the Cambodian people.
Joshua F: Bang! Bang! Bang! Repeat (impressions from the house building)
Moshi: I lost 10 kilos from sweat today!
Ashlee: We went through a lot of injuries but it was all worth it to give these families a home.
Daniella: Even though we don't share a language, the simple smile on a child's face or the ability to join together in dance brings joy to us all.
Sophie: I liked everything we have done and it makes me want to come back and help everyone. It has been fascinating to see how these people have coped after their holocaust and I have thought how it compares to us.
Morgan: I thought it was a truly rewarding experience and it gave me such a good feeling to know that we were giving these families a home and changing their lives.
Chelsea: The rewards and smiles are indescribable and I will remember it forever.
Alyssa: It was a real privilege that we got to build houses for people in need.
Ella: All together, it was an amazing experience to have the feeling of an accomplished house with families smiling.
Talia: It is amazing to think that just one day's work for us can have a great effect on families for the rest of their lives.

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